I help people quit smoking without anxiety or willpower, to have more time and money.

🌟“Break Free: Unleash Your Smoke-Free Future!”🌟

What if - you could quit smoking - with less anxiety and less stress?

What if - you could quit without relying on willpower?

What if - you could quit faster?

Unlock your true potential with Annette Hawks—where science meets soul.

Committed to Help You Quit Smoking Fast and Permanently

🌟Unlock the Secret to Smoke-Free Living🌟

Personalized Transformation Plans

for Your Unique Journey

Annette Hawks' knows that quitting smoking isn’t a one-size-fits-all endeavor. That’s why her personalized plans are meticulously crafted to suit your individual needs, preferences, and lifestyle. Whether you’re ready to break free from nicotine addiction or make a profound change, her tailored approach ensures you’re on the right path to lasting success. Discover the power of and embrace a smoke-free future.

Transformative hypnosis. Breaking through addictions and trauma.

What People Are Saying

It’s like I’ve been given a new lease on life. I can breathe easier, and I feel healthier than I have in years!

I tried everything to quit smoking, but nothing stuck. Hypnotherapy was my last resort, and it turned out to be the best decision I ever made.

I was skeptical at first, but after my hypnotherapy sessions, the desire to smoke just vanished. It’s been a game-changer for me.

I can finally say I’m a non-smoker. The thought of smoking now actually turns me off. I owe it all to hypnotherapy.

Stop Smoking

Will stopping actually make a difference?

Within 20 minutes:

  • Blood pressure and pulse rate drop to normal levels

  • Body temperature of hands and feet increases

Within 8 hours:

  • Carbon monoxide levels in the blood return to normal

  • Oxygen levels in the blood increase

Within 24 hours:

  • Chance of heart attack decreases

Within 48 hours:

  • Ability to smell and taste improves

  • Nerve endings start regrowing

Within 72 hours:

  • Bronchial tubes begin to relax, making breathing easier

  • Energy levels increase

Within 2 weeks to 3 months:

  • Circulation and lung function improve

  • Walking becomes easier as lung capacity increases

  • Chronic cough, sinus congestion, fatigue, and shortness of breath decrease

Within 1 to 9 months:

  • Decreasing levels of scar tissue in the lungs

  • Reduced coughing, sinus issues, tiredness, and shortness of breath

Within 1 year:

  • Excess risk of heart disease is cut in half

  • Added risk of heart attack drops dramatically

Within 5 years:

  • Risk of stroke returns to that of a non-smoker

  • Reduced risk of most cancers (lung, mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, cervix, and pancreas)

Within 10 years:

  • Risk of lung cancer is cut in half

  • Risk of cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas decreases

The body begins to heal and recover remarkably quickly after quitting smoking, with noticeable benefits in just hours and significant health improvements over the following months and years.

Stop Vaping

Is it better than smoking?

Respiratory Issues:

  • Exposure to volatile organic compounds and heavy metals in e-liquids

  • Increased risk of lung injuries like EVALI (E-cigarette or Vaping product use-Associated Lung Injury)

  • Airway irritation and inflammation

Cardiovascular Effects:

  • Nicotine in most e-liquids raises blood pressure and heart rate

  • Increases risk of heart attacks and strokes

Addiction and Substance Abuse:

  • Highly addictive nature of nicotine in most e-liquids

  • Gateway to smoking regular cigarettes, especially among youth

Oral Health Concerns:

  • Increased risk of gum inflammation and periodontal disease

  • Potential link to oral cancer from toxic chemicals

Developmental and Reproductive Risks:

  • Nicotine exposure can harm adolescent brain development

  • Potential adverse effects on fertility and fetal development during pregnancy

Unknown Long-Term Effects:

  • Limited research on the long-term health impacts of vaping

  • Potential for uncovering new risks as more studies are conducted

Accidental Nicotine Exposure:

  • Accidental ingestion of e-liquids, especially by children, can lead to nicotine poisoning

While often marketed as a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes, vaping carries its own set of risks and potential harms, with long-term effects still being studied.

Stop Nicotine

Does nicotine by itself hurt me

Cardiovascular effects:

  • Increases heart rate and blood pressure

  • Strains the heart and blood vessels

  • Increases risk of heart disease, stroke, and atherosclerosis

Metabolic effects:

  • Contributes to insulin resistance

  • Increases risk of type 2 diabetes

  • Disrupts normal metabolic processes

Respiratory effects:

  • Constricts airways, making breathing difficult

  • Increases mucus production

  • Heightens susceptibility to respiratory infections

Addiction and dependence:

  • Highly addictive substance

  • Causes unpleasant withdrawal symptoms

  • Makes quitting challenging

Reproductive and developmental effects:

  • During pregnancy, linked to low birth weight, premature birth, and SIDS

  • May harm fetal brain development and cognitive/behavioral outcomes

Neurological effects:

  • Alters neurotransmitter levels

  • Potential contributor to mood disorders and cognitive impairment

  • Increased risk of neurodegenerative diseases

Increased risk of other addictions:

  • Nicotine exposure linked to higher likelihood of alcohol and drug addictions

  • Affects brain's reward and reinforcement pathways

While nicotine alone may be less harmful than combined chemicals in cigarette smoke, it is not a harmless substance and can have significant negative impacts on various bodily systems and overall health.

About Annette

Annette Hawks' Transformational approach to quit smoking is changing lives. Annette helps you to ignite profound shifts in your subconscious to unlock hidden power within.

Whether you’re battling smoking addiction, anxiety, or seeking personal growth, Annette’s methods penetrate the subconscious, rewrite old beliefs, and pave the way for lasting transformation.


How quickly can I expect to see results?

The Speed of Achieving a Smoke-Free Life Can Vary The rate at which you'll successfully quit smoking and experience the benefits can differ from person to person. It depends on factors such as your level of nicotine addiction, dedication to the process, and adherence to the program guidelines. It's crucial to understand that overcoming a smoking habit is a gradual journey. Our focus is on helping you with personalized plans which are meticulously crafted to suit your individual needs, preferences, and lifestyle.

Do we meet in person?

Our quit smoking program is conducted entirely through virtual/remote sessions so you can participate from the comfort of your own home. We do not have in-person meeting options.
All calls are held over secure video conferencing. This allows you to engage in the program seamlessly without having to travel to an office location. Many clients find the remote format to be more relaxing and conducive to the process. You'll be able to see and hear me clearly just as if we were in the same room together.

However, being in your familiar home environment can help you feel more at ease during our sessions. The virtual setting creates a safe, judgment-free space for you to fully commit to making transformative changes.

Of course, you'll need a private, quiet space where you can speak openly without distractions during our scheduled meeting times.

As long as you have a reliable internet connection, we can connect virtually through each phase of becoming smoke-free. The remote approach has been highly effective for my clients. You'll receive the same level of individual attention and care as an in-person program, just tailored to your lifestyle and schedule.

How do I get ready to quit smoking with Annette?

Pre-Session Preparation:
-Take time before meeting with Annette to have a small snack, a glass or two of water, and a bathroom break before hand.
-If you need a break during the appointment they are available.

-Limit caffeine and sugar the day of your booked appointment.

Additional Considerations:
- Schedule at least 30 minutes of quiet time after the appointment to allow for integration. Taking a nap, or having a sleep is even better.

What kind of support can I expect from Annette?

Annette will conduct individualized sessions tailored to your specific needs and smoking habits. These sessions will help reprogram your subconscious mind, reduce cravings, and reinforce your ability to quit. Her goal is your success and will work with you to solve your problem until you know it is solved.

Can Annette help me with a Sugar Addiction?

Absolutely! Annette's method has proven effective in helping people overcome various cravings and addictions beyond just smoking cessation. Her approach has successfully aided clients from all walks of life, including professionals and mothers, in addressing challenges such as:

Lack of confidence

Sugar addiction

Phobias and fears

Other substance addictions

Emotional eating


Anxiety and stress management

Annette's versatile hypnotherapy techniques work by reprogramming the subconscious mind, disrupting deeply ingrained patterns, and reinforcing positive behaviors. This makes her method highly adaptable to different types of cravings, compulsions, and unwanted habits.

Whether you're seeking to build self-confidence, break free from a sugar addiction, or overcome a debilitating phobia, Annette can tailor her approach to your specific needs and desired outcome.

Her commitment is to provide personalized support and guidance throughout your transformative journey.

With Annette's expertise you can unlock your full potential and regain control over the thoughts, behaviors, and impulses that have been holding you back. Don't hesitate to reach out and explore how Annette's services can benefit you, regardless of the challenge you're facing.

Disclaimer: Annette Hawks' hypnosis services, including any information, tools, or techniques provided, are intended for general educational and self-help purposes only. They do not constitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Annette Hawks does not make any guarantees about your ability to quit smoking or achieve any specific results through her services. Individual outcomes may vary based on each person's unique circumstances, commitment level, and ability to follow the program guidelines.The testimonials and stories shared by clients are authentic and depict their personal experiences. However, these accounts do not constitute promises or guarantees of future performance or results. Quitting smoking involves developing new habits and can be challenging. Success with Annette Hawks' program requires dedication and effort from the participant.Before starting any smoking cessation program, including hypnosis, please consult your doctor or healthcare provider, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions or concerns. Annette Hawks and her services do not replace professional medical care or treatment. You are solely responsible for your decisions, actions, and results related to quitting smoking or any lifestyle changes. By engaging with Annette Hawks' services, you agree not to hold her liable for your decisions, actions, or outcomes at any time or under any circumstances. Use caution and seek appropriate professional advice before acting on any information related to your health, finances, or well-being.

Disclaimer: The testimonials and results portrayed are from actual clients. However, individual results may vary based on a person's unique circumstances, commitment level, and ability to follow the program guidelines. Quitting smoking involves developing new habits and can be challenging. Success with our program is not guaranteed and requires dedication and effort from the participant. These testimonials do not constitute professional advice, guarantee results, or serve as a substitute for professional medical care. Please consult your doctor before starting any smoking cessation program, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns.